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BC Federation of Retired Union


TaxiSaver Program Update
A Message from Nancy Olewiler, TransLink Board Chair


Posted June 14, 2012 - TransLink’s Board of Directors has put on hold a decision on the TaxiSaver program. At the same time, TransLink has launched an engagement process with additional stakeholders to listen to concerns, hear ideas and determine if and how to move forward with this decision. No changes will be made to the TaxiSaver program while this process is underway.


Accessible public transit is part of TransLink’s core business mandate. We have made significant investments to improve accessibility for seniors, persons with disabilities, new Canadians and youth and we strive to make the system better for our users.


TransLink’s Access Transit Strategy guides investment decisions, ensures accessibility is integrated into all transit plans, projects and programs, and aims to reduce barriers where possible, including physical barriers, information, training, service supply and service structure. By doing this in a way that is sustainable for the future and meets the needs of all users, the goal is to create a seamless and inclusive public transit system for everyone.


TransLink’s mandate is to continue along this path and break down barriers as we find them. As part of this mandate, we need to hear from TaxiSaver users, HandyDART users, people who rely on an accessible conventional system, Access Transit’s Users’ Advisory Committee and members of the public. TransLink will engage in meaningful dialogue about concerns and ideas on the TaxiSaver program and other custom transit needs, and how all groups can work together to deliver these services in a way that is cost effective, fiscally responsible and sustainable for the future.


TransLink is committed to an open and transparent process, and the information gathered will be provided to the Board to help make a determination on the TaxiSaver program and other potential modifications to Access Transit that help improve the services. The first meeting in this process took place on May 30. Over the summer months and into the fall as needed, TransLink staff will continue its consultations with stakeholders, the Users’ Advisory Committee and others in a variety of formats to listen to concerns and ideas, and discuss workable solutions for accessible transit. The Board has indicated to staff that we need to take the time to find solutions that work for our users, and ensure we can deliver services effectively and efficiently now and into the future.  


TransLink will keep you informed as this process progresses and ensure you have plenty of notice before each meeting. Feedback can also be provided any time by phone, mail and email to:


Peter Hill

Manager, Access Transit at TransLink

Phone: 604.453.4685

Mail: 4720 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC  V5H 4N2


On behalf of the TransLink Board, I invite your continued participation in finding sustainable solutions that benefit everyone involved and support the Board in its decision.



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