BC FORUM News September 21, 2017 BC FORUM president calls for action to support a national Pharmacare program 
UPDATE AUGUST 2018: FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE NATIONL PHARMACARE PLAN AND COMPLETE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT’S QUESTIONNAIRE TODAY (deadline September 28, 2018) Sisters, Brothers & Friends: October 1 is the United Nations International Day of Older Persons. It is a day set aside to remind ourselves that seniors play a vital role in keeping our communities and families strong. October 1, the United Nations International Day of Older Persons is also a day to recognize that ageism and discrimination against seniors still exists. In BC many seniors cannot afford their prescription drugs. They often have to choose whether or not to buy groceries or to purchase medicine. No one should have to make that choice. That is why BC FORUM is supporting the Canadian Labour Congress’s (CLC’s) call for a national pharmacare plan. It is time for Canada to implement a universal prescription drug plan that covers all Canadians regardless of their income, age or where they live. It will save us money and reduce the cost of drugs through bulk purchasing. On October 1, we are asking you to add your voice to pressure our federal government to commit to the national implementation of a national publicly-administered drug plan for everyone. It is easy to do this. Simply go to http://www.aplanforeveryone.ca/ and sign the petition. Thank you for your support and I hope you have a wonderful day. In solidarity, Diane Wood, President, BC Federation of Retired Union Members (BC FORUM) |