Category: Advocate

  • Advocate Summer 2024

    Advocate Summer 2024

    Welcome to the Summer 2024 edition of the Advocate! We are pleased to feature an article by Adrian Dix Minister of Health, on the ways BC PharmaCare is helping low income folks; we are honoured to share an article from IndigiNews on the cultural importance and significance of long hair for Indigenous boys and men…

  • Advocate Spring 2024

    Advocate Spring 2024

    Welcome to the first edition of The Advocate for 2024! We are pleased to feature an article from the Hospital Employees Union on the challenges faced by workers in seniors care; we welcome pharmacare and the new Canadian Dental Care Program, and cover how important it is as seniors to file your taxes, in order…

  • Advocate Winter 2023

    Advocate Winter 2023

    We have an exciting last edition of The Advocate for 2023, with contributions from Premier David Eby, MP Don Davies, and Isobel Mackenzie, who reflects on both the past and future of seniors in B.C. after a decade as Seniors Advocate. BC FORUM member Barb Mikulec provides some insights into the state of housing for…

  • Advocate Fall 2023

    Advocate Fall 2023

    The end of summer is marked by Labour Day, and BC FORUM was there to celebrate this year. We share the story of the striking members of UNITE HERE Local 40 fighting for respect and a living wage, mark the first BC FORUM AGM in 3 years, and suggest ways you can stay safe during…

  • Advocate Summer 2023

    Advocate Summer 2023

    We celebrate International Workers Day on May 1, recognize Indigenous and Métis history, learn about a crisis at HandyDART that is impacting accessibility for those who rely on the service, and examine how inflation and soaring food prices are impacting seniors, especially senior women. Finally, we are especially proud to offer you a special summer…

  • Advocate Spring 2023

    Advocate Spring 2023

    Welcome to 2023! We are excited to feature the new leaders of the BC Federation of Labour who are representing the change we want to see, to spotlight Black leaders in our movement in honour of Black History Month, and as always, offer news and information that is important to seniors. We also sadly say…